An attempt to be humorous and logical about the Buffalo Sports Scene.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Um stuck.

Ive been stuck in writing something of late. I really have. Its like I don't know what to write about, or have a lot of time to write. Life and work has been busy. But I'd like to mention something about the Bandits. They are playing for their Championship tonight. We may downplay it as some minor league fringe thing. But hey lets get behind these guys, because they are average dudes. They do this because they love the sport. They have real jobs. The best player ever in the league is a teacher. They are weekend warriors that get to play in front of thousands of people. How awesome is that.

These are the athletes people can look up to. Football players are year round workers. But really what do they need to do besides work out for most of the year. They hang out party, get into trouble and waste money. Thats why you don't see these fringe guys get into trouble they have no time nor money to waste. Its like shit I gotta work, shit I gotta get to practice. Or my family needs me. Well these are the guys you let your kids look up to. If anyone wanted to be John Tavares would you say no? You'd be like thats someone you could be like.

Fringe sports are awesome, plus the championship game can distract me from seeing the Griffs got slaughtered by Arizona. Well the ladies have another game, so good for them. I'm sure the weather played a factor, or that Arizona is way better. Anyway, always good to see the Griffs do well.

I promise I'll write more soon. Probably some Stanley Cup stuff, pre NHL Draft stuff and maybe some baseball stuff.

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Buffalo, NY, United States
A Stay at home dad, who has more hot takes then your average stay at home dad.
