An attempt to be humorous and logical about the Buffalo Sports Scene.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The bus ride back

Well on the news of the Bills after the game had to take a bus home, since their plane skidded off the runway and was stuck in the mud. Ironic I know, GCFB has a transcript of the ride home today.

Dick Jauron gets up to the front of the Bus


Lee Evans: He ruined my return to Cleveland. IT WAS MY HOMECOMING!

Trent Edwards: It was windy, I couldn't help it!

Jauron: KNOCK IT OFF! I got some news. Well looks like our plane went off the runway, so we are just taking the bus home, since we are already on it, and Buffalo is like 3 hours away.

Collective: Awwwwww

John Digiorio: YAY! I LOVE BUS RIDES!

Keith Ellison: Shutup small college boy.

John Digiorio: Bus rides were how we became a team at Saginaw Valley St.

Keith Ellison: While playing in the PAC 10. I didn't know Saginaw Valley St existed.

Jauron: GUYS! Come on, enough with the bickering. It was a tough day and we're all tired and we just wanna go home. But we got some movies, to make the ride home quicker, but you can do what you want. So we got Gladiator, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and my personal favorite Muppets Take Manhattan.

Derrick Dockery: Muppets Take Manhattan?

Jauron: Yes its a classic from Jim Henson.

Jason Peters says nothing but his mouth is agape, feeling a loss for words.

Marshawn Lynch: I don't care what we watch, I'm still finding snow in places.



The bus continues down the I-90 with players bickering over which is the better movie and what they want to watch. Larry Tripplett who was trying to nap, yells at the players to shut up, and Kyle Williams throws a muffin at him. Which Larry promptly picks up and eats.

Brian Moorman: Speaking for the team captains, we decided we are watching Gladiator.

Jauron: Well thats nice but we're back already. Ok guys off the bus and see you Wednesday!

John Digiorgio: See Bus Rides are fun!

Ellison smacks Digiorgio in the back of the head, while the players head to the team parking lot and feel even worse seeing all the snow on their cars.

Trent Edwards: UGGGGGGH! Look at all the snow on my car! Can't we hire someone to brush off our cars, so we don't come back to this?

Jauron: What your arm broken?

Lee Evans: The way he threw on Sunday it might be.

Trent Edwards gets upset and throws Lee Evans in a snowbank.

Trent Edwards: Hows that for arm strength!

Dick Jauron: (shakes head) I swear I coach children half the time.

This may or may not have happened, the details are sketchy.

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