An attempt to be humorous and logical about the Buffalo Sports Scene.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Another Hot Race

(Chris Collins creeps GCFB out)

This race is gonna be a close call, because it brings out a lot of opinions from many people and really there isn't a bad choice in this race

Biggest Local Douche (Sportswriter Division)

This one is between Jerry Sullivan and Bucky Gleason.
(Bob Dicesare was beaten in the primary, when he was found to use facts in his pieces)

First up Jerry Sullivan.

Hello boys and girls, its your old pay Sully. You know me I've been around for years, spouting out negativity about the Bills and Sabres, but throwing love around for Boston teams. Well you know because I'm from New England. I've written some stuff that didn't make any sense, making you angry. Because writing those columns are easy, and its hard being a newspaper writer these days, trying to put down those bloggers, who put out stuff on a daily basis, while working another job. Who do they think they are? Its takes talent to be this douchy and untouchable at the same time. Have you heard me on the radio, arguing with Radio Douche incumbent Jeremy White? Its compelling. Vote for your boy Sully, I'm not just a douche, I'm a New England douche.

Next up Bucky Gleason

Come on people, this is a no brainer. Have you seen the last two Sullivan columns.
Night Billing Indicates Progress
A team of Believers reaps the rewards

Progress? Believers? Thats not being a douche, thats being positive, unless he was writing in irony. And believe me Sully thinks irony, is what you used to smooth out your shirts. So he is actually being nice. The Buck man believes these teams have to earn my praise. 4 and 4 please, call me when your 12 and 4, then I'll say something positive. I'm such a douche now, I'm going after Buffalo sports fans now for being upbeat and optimistic. Sully is way passed his prime and now is being sucked up in the good feelings movement that Buffalo has. I don't believe any of it. In fact if HSBC burned to the ground I couldn't be happier, yeah I said it. I hope the Bills move. I'll still be here. I'll just write some pieces on the Bisons not getting quality talent, because they are too cheap. I'm trying to fill in the shoes of Jim Kelley, who was a Douche Legend in this building. He had a hall of fame goaltender attack him! You know what you have to do to get Ryan Miller to punch you? A lot believe me. Maybe Ill write that hes too soft, because hes letting his cousins death effect his play. Ooooo, that'll do it.

Vote Bucky, because Fuck You thats why.

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Buffalo, NY, United States
A Stay at home dad, who has more hot takes then your average stay at home dad.
