An attempt to be humorous and logical about the Buffalo Sports Scene.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Missing since Christmas

You see this above? Its called heart. And the Sabres have been missing it since Christmas. Someone might have taken it or its out injured, but after today's game. I'm not sure if this team has it. Phoenix went into corners, fore checked, played the puck, BLOCKED SHOTS. It was a team that I could actually root for, if they were ever on TV and I knew they existed. Its just like the Sabres don't care anymore. They sometimes show a bit of fight then give up a goal and its pack it in boys on to the next game.

I just want to see a game where they bang constantly, pressure all game long and just work the opponent into making mistakes and just want to quit. I want 60 minutes of hell. Instead of 45 minutes of listless play and 15 minutes of hard work. A team losing doesn't want me not want to be a fan, but playing without heart, doesn't make me want to root for you. Why should I root for a team that shows it doesn't care?


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Buffalo, NY, United States
A Stay at home dad, who has more hot takes then your average stay at home dad.
